
Crypto currency recommended coins and purchase

   Recommended Coins
   and Their Purposes

If you have no crypto assets yet, here are the coins I

recommend for long-term holding, to make sure

you end-up making profits in time!

Coin #1: Bitcoin (BTC)

In the digital age, the ideal brand-new currency should have at least these three haracteristics:

It should be free from the control of any authority so that it cannot be

manipulated and printed at will (and devalued), and nobody can tell anyone

what they can and cannot use it for.

The currency should be borderless, so that it can be easily exchanged across any

location with anyone.

It should be apolitical, so as to not favor a specific system or group of people. In a

nutshell, these (among many others) are the characteristics of bitcoin, which

looks like an appealing alternative to any fiat-based monetary system.

Bitcoin is the world’s first decentralized digital currency. Its value primarily comes

from it being the first digital currency that no single person, organization or

authority has control over. Anyone can buy it, anyone can receive it — and

nobody can tell anyone what they can or cannot do with it.

It is a money free from dictatorship, oppression and hyperinflation, and a

financial safe haven for anyone living under those circumstances. It has a limited

supply of approximately 21 million total bitcoins that will never be changed, and

we know exactly how many are being released into the world at what rate, as

well as approximately when the last bitcoin will be created.

It is generally more difficult to understand why a decentralized currency is

valuable to people who live in first-world countries because their society’s money

is most likely very sound, or so it appears to be. In order for people in first-world

countries to understand why bitcoin is valuable, they must recognize why the fiat

money system is unsound.


In reality, any money controlled by a central bank is not truly sound, when you

consider the big picture. Generally speaking, governments have created monetary

systems that allow them to manipulate the supply of their country’s money,

assuring its value is backed by their word that it will always be worth something.

The problem is that “something” has slowly been worth less and less since fiat

money was taken off of the gold standard.

The reason for this is simple: Governments like to spend more than they accrue

from taxes and other income streams; so, by their own power, they print

enough money for their needs. When more money is printed and put into an

economy, it decreases the value of each dollar already in circulation.

Bitcoin’s beautifully designed characteristics mean it is poised to have an

impact in people’s lives in the most unstable economies (like Argentina and

Venezuela, for example), where the government heavily manipulates its money.

As a brief primer, countries like Venezuela and Argentina have experienced times

where their governments printed so much of their own currency that their

citizens were not able to spend it fast enough before it would lose value. This has

happened multiple times in each country and, as a result, their entire monetary

systems fell apart, and affected citizens had to find an alternative medium of


People are entitled to freedom as a human right, and governments who ruin their

own money arguably take away their people’s economic freedom. Their access to

the same economic opportunities as the rest of the world is virtually non-existent,

and thus the greatest thing they desire is a currency that can’t be controlled by a

reckless central authority.

In 1912, Ludwig von Mises, a renowned Austrian economist, wrote in The Theory

of Money and Credit that sound money “has two aspects. It is affirmative in

approving the market’s choice of a commonly used medium of exchange. It is

negative in obstructing the government’s propensity to meddle with the currency


He continues, “It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if

one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of

civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments.”


The reason why most people accept our current monetary system is because it’s

what we have and it’s what we have had for as long as we can remember.

Because people alive today were born into the existing system of government-

issued money, most of society has accepted that the gradual increase in price

for everything from groceries to education is a natural phenomenon.

It is hard to believe that prices will gradually increase forever, and coffee could

very well be close to $20 per cup in 50 years (compared to the $2 average today

and the $0.15 it cost in 1920). We accept that these increases are the natural

result of inflation, which they correctly are, but the underlying reason why the

inflation occurs in the first place is due to manipulations of a central authority.

Unfortunately, when people are used to something for so long, they naturally find

it hard to believe that a newer way might be better.


These core flaws that plague the fiat monetary system do not exist in bitcoin.

Bitcoin’s supply is fixed by code that all participants of the network agree upon.

The distribution rate of new bitcoins into the world is fixed and transparent, as

is the approximate date when the last bitcoin will be created. Bitcoin also has no

public face that can strongly influence the direction of the currency. It’s the

correction of these flaws of our current system that bring value to bitcoin.

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YouTube – You What?

Have you heard about Maybe you are scratching your head, wondering, “What is it”?

Is it, a catchy name for a catchy service?
Is it a marketing tool? 
Is it a website for novice filmmakers? 

The answer is yes, yes, yes and then some. You see, YouTube is many things to many people, depending on how they use it and their purposes for its use. You can define the website’s purpose tradition-ally as: 

“ is one of the many Web 2.0 sites popping up on the Web. It is a “video sharing” website.”

However,, like many Web 2.0, sites is much more than a site allowing individuals to share video clips. It is a place for public commentary, where people can review the latest and greatest info products, and where people can network and share common interests, goals, and opportunities.
The best part? is not too complicated to use, driving away hordes of novice users. In fact, the opposite is true. is easy to master. This website allows just about anyone to sign up for an account, upload, share video clips, and view other people’s clips. Sounds neat, huh?

Just like many popular sites, registered members can rate videos, or find out how many times other people link to a video clip for their viewing pleasure. provides and publishes this information for your convenience, and for its loyal fans. Have you heard about Netflix? The idea is the same. Netflix is an online video “store” if you will, like Blockbuster. Registered members can log in and rent videos sent directly to their homes. They can also rate and review the videos they see. That way, the public has a better feel for what videos are worth watching (and whether there are some videos they shouldn’t bother with).
The site can also tailor its recommendations to you depending on how many videos you rate. The big DIFFERENCE between a site like this, however, a static site, and, is using YouTube, and you can watch video clips right from your home computer. There are no renting, no late fees, and no charges to become a member.
Will you watch a full video? No. You will watch a video clip. In the ten minutes of time, a user has to make a video clip however, you can be sure they will input as much valuable and telling information as they possibly can. So, a visit to is well worth it.
Is popular? Yes, and not just among the young. In fact, the young and old alike enjoy their newfound “celebrity” status by posting their own video clips to the Web. And, speaking of celebrities… YouTube is popular among web fans, your average Jane or Joe, and celebrities getting in on the action. Just like attracts many public figures interested in connecting with their fan base and audience, so too does YouTube appeal to the same crowd for similar reasons.

Alanis Morissette (a well-known singer, just in case you don’t know) just did a spoof of Fergie’s (another young hip-hop singer) “My Humps” video. It’s pretty funny if you have a good sense of humor. “You love my lady lumps?” What isn’t funny about that? Even if you never heard the original song, you will get a good chuckle out of it. It is also a great example of a good video, and you can use it for a model when trying to create your own video clips for YouTube (we’ll get to that later).

Check it out: 

There is no cost just to listening, and you will learn a great deal. Of course, you can just type it (my humps) into Google and find about another dozen sites promoting the video. While is fun, it can also be an extremely useful tool for promoting your business, and your website, and for networking and connecting with people around the globe. So why write a guide on YouTube? I’ll tell you why…

Here’s the point.

YouTube isn’t just for fun, though we have focused so far on some of the funnier and more entertaining features offered by the popular site. But, just as is fun, you can just as easily use it to promote your website, advertise your business or simply publicize what it is you have to offer. For that reason, people are jumping hand over heels to get their hands on it. Large corporations including CBS, NBC, Sony BMG, and others, people that once opposed the site, are clamoring to get in on the action. The reason?

Millions of consumers are logging in every day to catch a glimpse of what YouTube has to offer…

YouTube may become the most popular Web 2.0 site on the Net. The sooner you get in, the faster you will start realizing the benefits YouTube has to offer.

Want to see just how useful can be to the ordinary politician, small business owner, or marketer? Check this out: 

Consider a platform, one you can use to connect with users in a meaningful, directed, and intimate way. offers something for just about anyone. 
      What does YouTube offer? The material posted on YouTube includes many TV clips, multiple music videos, and much amateur content, content from bloggers, and content from Internet Marketers interested in getting in on the action. Celebrities, news organizations, and even musicians are now allowing users to upload short video clips of their works to this incredibly fast-growing website.

 When Did It All Begin?

Here are the facts about as a business and rapidly growing enterprise. Starting in February of 2005, the site gained massive media attention and popularity, in part because it was something fresh and new. It also brought with it some controversy, as many of the more popular and successful websites do. Time Magazine suggested it was the most popular invention in 2006. Of course, it is not to say YouTube is not without its share of controversy. Quite the opposite is true. We’ll learn more about the ups and downs YouTube has experienced in the next section.
        What is important for you to know now is YouTube is a powerhouse, a weapon anyone can use to gain free publicity. It even captured the attention of industry giant Google Inc.


26 Sale funnel plan of action | ebook


The Joint Venture

In the event that you sign up for newsletters and mailing lists from marketing specialists, you might have run into the word 'JV' or 'Joint Venture'. Essentially, a JV is a partnership of sorts, although not in the legal sense.

A JV may take many forms, but it's mostly about collaboration - working together to produce better results than each one of you can achieve by yourself.

Listed here are just some ways you can 'JV' with others:

Tele-seminars and workshops - Partner with a person who is serving an identical kind of client to you to provide workshops where the delegates will get several perspectives (and also you share the job involved with organizing and marketing the big event).

Creating Products and services - By yourself, developing a product (like a CD or online course) may appear daunting but, in the event that you use another person, you are able to brainstorm some ideas and take action in a fraction of the time. Plus, you are able to each market the merchandise to your personal databases of clients and customers.

Product Launches/Special Offers - We recently teamed up with some others who help coaches to promote themselves to advertise a book of ours relating to this topic. They donated a totally free bonus and marketed the book for their e-mail lists - everyone profited. People purchasing the book got an excellent group of bonuses and heard about sites where they could find extra information on marketing. The folks providing the bonuses got additional exposure and PR.

Joint Bidding/Pitching - You might face tough competition when you are bidding or pitching for corporate or government contracts but, with a little team of associates, you are able to stand a far greater chance in the event that you pool your expertise, testimonials, and resources.

Affiliates - You are able to either be a joint venture partner for another person's products and services and promote them as a swap for a commission or look for affiliates to advertise your personal products and services, paying them a commission once the sales are made.

One good free site to get involved with is, which is a leading joint venture social network run by internet marketers via Facebook's base software applications.

Whenever you're thinking about doing a JV, one thing to be clear about up-front is how much money and time each of you will be investing and how you will distribute the profits when they come in.

The best option here is to be transparent at the start and keep costs to the minimum required to do the job well.

JVs, with the right people and the right companies, can work wonders for you and they don't have to be as daunting or on such a large scale as some people would have you believe.


Measuring Success

There are several different tools on the market that can help you gauge the success of your sales funnel efforts. In this chapter, we will provide a brief overview of a few of the more popular ones:

Google Analytics is a terrific way to examine how well your web store is working. Once you have built-in Analytics together with your store pages, you are able to access an enormous selection of helpful reports. 

Google Analytics enables you to set up a sales funnel and see just how many individuals are deferring at every step of your funnel. That ought to alert you to which areas of the funnel process you need to improve.

Say that, for each 1, 000 people who visit your product page:

100 add the merchandise to their cart 80 of these people go to the checkout 40 of these people complete the checkout form 33 of these people confirm their order

Out of this example, it's clear that many shoppers (fifty percent) are leaving the purchasing procedure when they are asked to fill out the check-out form. This could imply that there's something about the form that's off-putting to people.

StatCounter is also a web tracking service that enables you to access up-to-date statistics about web visitors throughout several sites.

Just like a standard web-stat tool, you'll have the ability to see the details of your unique site visitors, visitors that return, page loadings, and 1st-time site visitors. You can observe the information presented daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually as well as choose specific date ranges.

Overall, Statcounter is a good tool that offers all you need to help make the necessary changes to your website. is a spreadsheet with special features that allows you (among other things) to track company objectives and operations and manage projects and deliverables by teams and individuals. This is a comprehensive solution for strategy analysis. 

The sales funnel estimator at allows you to approximate your market profitability and calculate precisely what quantity of purchases you can expect from a sales funnel and what quantity of prospects you require at the top of your funnel to reach your targets. 

ClickBank Analytics provides you with the capability to interactively set up trend charts based on different topics over customized time ranges. Data and chart tables are supplied to help you witness sales trends along with the information that supports everything in a single glance. Also, the charts could be manipulated in various ways, letting you begin to see the trends you'll need to handle your company.

It's well worth taking the time to acquire and familiarise yourself with these tools because they can highlight vital areas for improvement in your campaigns that you would be unable to identify in any other way.


Top Sales Funnel Products

As well as being a good source of affiliate products for you to promote, Clickbank also sells a number of ebooks and software relating to sales funnels which you would be advised to acquire when you are first starting out. Below, we will give a brief description of a few of the better ebooks (and other items) about this subject that Clickbank features: 

'The Silent Sales Machine by Jim Cockrum is one of the best-selling ebooks on Clickbank. It has been sold since 2002 and details a myriad of techniques for creating a recurring income online with a minimum of start-up capital and little or no ongoing maintenance required. It has been updated for 2011 and focuses on E-bay auctions and the power-selling of particular products. 

'The Profit Pulling Sales Funnel' by Ben Brooks, shows you how to attract targeted buyer traffic to your website free of charge from a little-known traffic source using article marketing.

The 'TAP Profit Funnel' by Grant J Ferrari, is an unorthodox affiliate marketing system for beginners using Twitter that only take 15 minutes per day to operate. It shows you how to build a sales-focused audience on Twitter quickly and then sell Clickbank products to them. 

The 'Video Sales Letter Creator' is some innovative software that will let you professionally video market your products with very little user input. If you use WordPress, it also comes with a WordPress plugin so it will work with your theme. It comes with a whole raft of features for customization and there are no monthly fees to pay. 

'Sales, Lies & Naked Truths' by Corrine Edwards is a book aimed at all salespeople wanting the most up-to-date, modern sales techniques. The methods in this book do away with the outdated 'hard sell' methods and are aimed more at making you genuine and likable in the eyes of the customer. This ensures that they will purchase from YOU after you've established an honest relationship with them.

Finally, 'Sales CSI' by Rick Braddy is a complete course on how to maximize the returns from your current marketing campaigns including list building, Google Adwords, Facebook advertising, and how to cut out any wasted spending on advertising that you might be unknowingly making at the moment. This is a unique video training program that outlines where you should concentrate your SEO efforts to increase your ROI substantially.

These ebooks, courses, and software can all be useful sources of information for budding online entrepreneurs and even for more experienced people who want to expand their knowledge or capabilities in different areas. 

You are advised to do your own research, as well, because the full quantity of resources available on the internet relating to this subject is, obviously, far too big to completely do justice to here.


What is a Sales Funnel? full ebook about the sales funnel



With regards to business, blogs can be a supplemental type of advertising that can be used to communicate with your clients. On top of that, blogs can be set up free of charge and may easily stand alone, with no existing site to help them.

Blogs have ended up being quite well-liked and a growing number of blogs are appearing on multiple websites. Blogs serve as business tools and people adore communicating with others via blog postings and allowing others to discuss their comments.

Blogs are regularly updated so they have fresh content on them constantly. This makes them attractive to visitors and SEs like Google. Each new post counts as unique content on the site and, should you add to your blog weekly or daily, you will notice it expanding rather rapidly. With new content, you are able to rank higher in the search engine results positioning and draw more people to your site.

Additionally, you can include links on your blogs and begin a hyperlink exchange campaign. In doing this, you will see your page ranking upsurge in the SEs due to the fact that SE algorithms usually focus on the number of links that are pointing to your site. The greater the number of external links that point to your site, the simpler it will be to be discovered by the big SEs.

Blogs might be employed to freely advertise your goods or services. Also, blogs are excellent for providing existing clients with updated details about new services and products you might be offering. Want your customers to talk about their feelings about your services and products? You'll be able to use blogs to get and share client testimonials. There certainly isn't any limit to the advantages you are able to experience with blogs.

What's equally great about blogs is the truth that you are able to produce them free of charge. Sites like Blogger (purchased by Google), let you begin a weblog totally free. Moreover, there are numerous fonts, templates, and layouts to choose from and Blogger will even enable you to display pictures. Finally, websites like Blogger provide you with the opportunity to archive your postings to ensure visitors can go back to them over and over.

Making blogs is enjoyable and easy for everyone. Blogging is the new wave in Internet advertising that allows you to get up close, and personal and interact with your prospects on a daily basis. Communicate with individuals from across the world who share the very passions that your business caters to. Find out what they want and what they think about what you currently provide.

Before the internet, no other form of advertising even came close to offering this scope for customer engagement.


Social Media

In the event that you have not started using social media marketing, you might want to have a closer look. Not just are you missing a strong marketing tool, but you are potentially missing being seen by potential customers who're being driven to your competitors who're using this marketing medium.

It's no secret that many people head to the net to find information nowadays. Including finding the services and products they require. Instead of searching via a printed phone book, it's much more likely that they're going to visit a common internet search engine.

Due to this, S.E.O. (search engine optimization) has been, probably, one of the most highly promoted marketing tools recently. These kinds of searches, however, await a prospective customer to become active. Promoting companies through social networking can generate a nearly passive response following the first initial click.

Facebook, for instance, probably one of the most commonly visited websites every day online, enables you to produce a fan page for your company. Somebody 'Likes' your company by clicking a button and becomes a fan. 

Once somebody becomes your fan, a notice is posted for their own profile page so their friends can easily see this and may then choose to go and see what your fan page is about. At that time, a number of them could decide to become fans of your business. 

Additionally, each time you post something to your company fan page, these details can also be delivered to the news feed for your fans and is then visible to many of their friends.

Everybody knows that person-to-person advertising may be the most effective form of advertising that exists. A Facebook fan page is a combination of person-to-person advertising and viral marketing. 

Simply by creating that page, you'll be able to reach people that you might not have found when you are introduced to them by your fans. When potential individuals are introduced to you in this manner, they're more likely to wish to support your company.

Other social networking outlets, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, work in a very similar way. Among the best facets of this whole genre is that it's a totally free, or really low cost, approach to potentially reach huge numbers of people. 

With a tiny bit of daily effort, you are able to keep your organization at the forefront of the minds of everybody who's part of the social network.

Social media marketing isn't something you ought to be considered for future years. It's here, at this time and you ought to be utilizing it.

Because the primary investment to get started is simply a tiny bit of time, it certainly is sensible to begin as quickly as possible.


Auto Responders

An auto-responder service is really a 'must-have service included in an Internet marketer's box of tools. Together with your subscription for this online service, the marketer can put up a contact message to automatically be sent to his / her list each week to stay in touch with their subscribers. Here are a few tactics we've discovered that work well:

When employing your auto-responder to recommend the purchase of a service or product, you need to be careful about the way you word your messages. Keep building on what your prospect's problem is and how your service or product can solve that problem for them.

In your first email, welcome them and thank them for subscribing to your list. Let them know the benefits they'll receive from you, such as free ebooks, free audio recordings, and free computer software. You're getting them to truly like you and build trust. Don't sell them anything in the very first email message.

In the 2nd email to your list, send them 2-3 links where they are able to visit sites to obtain free related products to your niche but, this time around, make your second and third links 'affiliate links' from other marketers' websites you have joined as an affiliate. 

They are still free products and services, such as free membership to a website that provides many free items. You hide your longer affiliate link using so you don't tip them off. When they click on it (as they have become accustomed to doing) they will go to the free membership site (or whatever item it is), get the free item, and (hopefully) also buy one of the other items for sale.

In the 3rd email for them, send them 3 links where they are able to obtain a free software package, totally free audio, or perhaps a free ebook. Again, you need to send them the 2nd and third links as a disguised affiliate link that you could earn a commission on. This is the way you build your sales with auto-responder emails. 

With each email message, make sure you are giving the client free information associated with the subject. It's this that could keep them interested.

It is probable that, by the fourth email to your list, many people may have bought a few of the products and services available (i.e. those that are also offered by the free websites) and that you begin to see some commission payments enter your pay-pal account.

Remember, it's a popular fact in marketing that visitors frequently need to be subjected to an offer seven times before they decide to purchase. Sales may begin slowly, but just getting them started is the biggest challenge. 

sales funnel article marketing | google adwords program | offline marketing


Article Marketing

Working on the web is a really desirable career for people all over the world. Article promotion is a way that you are able to make (nearly) every business opportunity you participate in flourish into a self-sustained, profitable venture. In this chapter, we'll cover the best recommendations of the trade for implementing article promotion so you can get your name out there.

The impact of your articles can be boosted by telling stories or anecdotes together because readers love a narrative. Once they read your article, they'll pay more attention if they're engrossed in a story. Obviously, writing a great story is really a specialized skill. It requires more effort than several other types of content creation. The added popularity of narrative articles, though, may make it worth your time and effort. 

By specializing your article in a select field or certain niche, you'll not only hone your articles to be most helpful but, additionally, you'll attract many more viewers from that field. Furthermore, there is less competition in the more specialized article marketing niches.

Your natural inclination might be to provide a fictionalized account of a service or product in your article promotion campaign. However, you must always remain truthful. If you're marketing something that you can't find any positive thing to express, you definitely should be marketing another thing. Don't attempt to portray an item as wonderful if it's not, at the very least, good already.

Driving individuals to a particular site or product isn't the only means by which article promotion will pay off for you personally. A lot of websites available (who will accept your write-ups) will, in actuality, pay you per view or per click. To help you find lots of methods to keep your earnings stream alive through the articles you write, this may become very lucrative.

For connecting better together with your readers within an article promotion program, focus your article on solving an issue for them. This can give your article a general purpose and theme, and it'll be one that readers appreciate. Not just will a problem-solving article boost your rapport with readers, but it'll gently nudge them towards buying your services or products.

Simply because working online is something you actually want to do, that does not mean that you'll be proficient at it. A terrific way to ensure your success would be to follow the advice given above whenever you make an effort to build your advertising campaign. Stay with the easy stuff, to begin with, and you'll be able to branch out to bigger things.


Google's Adwords Program

Google AdWords is a text-based system employed to promote various sites. This innovative service allows individuals to create their very own adverts, select keywords to complement the intended audience's niche and determine the price of advertising. Advertisers take advantage of this great service simply because they pay only whenever a viewer clicks on the ad.

It has helped many businesses make their online presence felt using its unique features and is dependent on the actual Google search engine results. It provides results in line with the pages of a specific website matched with the site's search and ad share. It's a great marketing tool making a big positive change to the amount and quality of visitors that review a webpage. Anyone who wishes to market their products and services can enroll with this service.

The AdWords program is preferable to all conventional advertising programs since it targets people's particular interests. The creation and editing of adverts can be achieved within a few minutes and Adverts can quickly be observed by prospects straight after this. Advertisers may also get extensive performance reports to allow them to assess the potency of adverts by using this tool.

This kind of unique online marketing helps advertisers to handle single and multiple adverts using one or many keywords. This can help to create consistent website traffic for the advertiser's services and products. There's ample space for, at the very least, 8 to 10 advertisers on a solitary webpage. An advertiser can decide to book the topmost or maybe the most visible space on a webpage to create traffic for his or her site. 

Google AdWords may also help an advertiser to find out the profitability, quantity, and type of searches that individuals or potential customers do. This is often helpful for SEO purposes too. The advertisers may use the tool to create changes within their sites to obtain top rankings in major search results.

This internet marketing tool is ideal for those who have just started their business and don't have big bucks to market their products and services. Regardless of how small the budget of a company is, it may still make use of this service. There is absolutely no minimum monthly charge. Google only charges a little activation fee for the advertisement. Advertisers also have the choice of choosing between text, image, and video adverts.

Google AdWords has changed the way in which people advertise their services and products. It will not only retain old clients but, additionally, attract new clients to a company as well. Consequently, your brand name becomes popular and your sales will increase.


Marketing offline 

The primary aim of any business would be to turn prospective buyers into actual buyers. Many marketers have questioned the potency of offline marketing to enhance online sales, however, they are related if the campaign is performed precisely and has enough substance to stimulate the web marketing opportunity.

You will find so many products and services that it's difficult to state for definite that offline marketing can greatly boost your online marketing efforts. The rewards for creating an enticing direct mail campaign might help your web conversions but this, in conjunction with using the right list and the best offer, remains the key to the success of the web income opportunity.

Here are some key offline creative techniques to produce an engaging direct mail campaign that will directly affect your web conversions:

The Package. You have to plan the direct mail package and the primary focus should be on exactly what it will include. Most marketers begin with a letter, an action call and a return envelope. You could play around with this approach but the fundamentals will always be the same. Work out how large it will likely be and what creative course of action to take. Much of this is determined by your industry as well as your audience.

The Envelope. If the prospective audience recognizes your envelope as spam, they're not going to even open it and your offer is useless if nobody sees it. Provide the customer an incentive to open your envelope and find out more about your product, service, and deal. Do some research on other direct mail campaigns that compelled you to open the envelope and view the offer. 

Value Postcards. If your company has a budget restriction for this kind of marketing, then the utilization of postcards could be a good way of keeping your costs low. The inclusion of postcards can steer clear of the problem of unopened mail and they may be an effective way of driving individuals to an online offer. This is so long as the offer is gripping enough to motivate them to go to the website. Be sure you have a distinctive URL for the visitors included on them.

An Action Call. This should be clear and readily accessible to the client. A great way is to produce a multi-order system, telephone call, online or fax order form. The action call should be bold and no-nonsense. Make certain the ordering process is straightforward as this can encourage the client to return for multiple purchases.

Begin with an easy campaign and an offer that's simple to track and manage. Test an inexpensive direct mail campaign in the beginning and you might discover that this drives traffic and sales to your online business.