
how to make successful youtuber | 25 youtube success guide



YouTube – You What?

Have you heard about Maybe you are scratching your head, wondering, “What is it”?

Is it, a catchy name for a catchy service?
Is it a marketing tool? 
Is it a website for novice filmmakers? 

The answer is yes, yes, yes and then some. You see, YouTube is many things to many people, depending on how they use it and their purposes for its use. You can define the website’s purpose tradition-ally as: 

“ is one of the many Web 2.0 sites popping up on the Web. It is a “video sharing” website.”

However,, like many Web 2.0, sites is much more than a site allowing individuals to share video clips. It is a place for public commentary, where people can review the latest and greatest info products, and where people can network and share common interests, goals, and opportunities.
The best part? is not too complicated to use, driving away hordes of novice users. In fact, the opposite is true. is easy to master. This website allows just about anyone to sign up for an account, upload, share video clips, and view other people’s clips. Sounds neat, huh?

Just like many popular sites, registered members can rate videos, or find out how many times other people link to a video clip for their viewing pleasure. provides and publishes this information for your convenience, and for its loyal fans. Have you heard about Netflix? The idea is the same. Netflix is an online video “store” if you will, like Blockbuster. Registered members can log in and rent videos sent directly to their homes. They can also rate and review the videos they see. That way, the public has a better feel for what videos are worth watching (and whether there are some videos they shouldn’t bother with).
The site can also tailor its recommendations to you depending on how many videos you rate. The big DIFFERENCE between a site like this, however, a static site, and, is using YouTube, and you can watch video clips right from your home computer. There are no renting, no late fees, and no charges to become a member.
Will you watch a full video? No. You will watch a video clip. In the ten minutes of time, a user has to make a video clip however, you can be sure they will input as much valuable and telling information as they possibly can. So, a visit to is well worth it.
Is popular? Yes, and not just among the young. In fact, the young and old alike enjoy their newfound “celebrity” status by posting their own video clips to the Web. And, speaking of celebrities… YouTube is popular among web fans, your average Jane or Joe, and celebrities getting in on the action. Just like attracts many public figures interested in connecting with their fan base and audience, so too does YouTube appeal to the same crowd for similar reasons.

Alanis Morissette (a well-known singer, just in case you don’t know) just did a spoof of Fergie’s (another young hip-hop singer) “My Humps” video. It’s pretty funny if you have a good sense of humor. “You love my lady lumps?” What isn’t funny about that? Even if you never heard the original song, you will get a good chuckle out of it. It is also a great example of a good video, and you can use it for a model when trying to create your own video clips for YouTube (we’ll get to that later).

Check it out: 

There is no cost just to listening, and you will learn a great deal. Of course, you can just type it (my humps) into Google and find about another dozen sites promoting the video. While is fun, it can also be an extremely useful tool for promoting your business, and your website, and for networking and connecting with people around the globe. So why write a guide on YouTube? I’ll tell you why…

Here’s the point.

YouTube isn’t just for fun, though we have focused so far on some of the funnier and more entertaining features offered by the popular site. But, just as is fun, you can just as easily use it to promote your website, advertise your business or simply publicize what it is you have to offer. For that reason, people are jumping hand over heels to get their hands on it. Large corporations including CBS, NBC, Sony BMG, and others, people that once opposed the site, are clamoring to get in on the action. The reason?

Millions of consumers are logging in every day to catch a glimpse of what YouTube has to offer…

YouTube may become the most popular Web 2.0 site on the Net. The sooner you get in, the faster you will start realizing the benefits YouTube has to offer.

Want to see just how useful can be to the ordinary politician, small business owner, or marketer? Check this out: 

Consider a platform, one you can use to connect with users in a meaningful, directed, and intimate way. offers something for just about anyone. 
      What does YouTube offer? The material posted on YouTube includes many TV clips, multiple music videos, and much amateur content, content from bloggers, and content from Internet Marketers interested in getting in on the action. Celebrities, news organizations, and even musicians are now allowing users to upload short video clips of their works to this incredibly fast-growing website.

 When Did It All Begin?

Here are the facts about as a business and rapidly growing enterprise. Starting in February of 2005, the site gained massive media attention and popularity, in part because it was something fresh and new. It also brought with it some controversy, as many of the more popular and successful websites do. Time Magazine suggested it was the most popular invention in 2006. Of course, it is not to say YouTube is not without its share of controversy. Quite the opposite is true. We’ll learn more about the ups and downs YouTube has experienced in the next section.
        What is important for you to know now is YouTube is a powerhouse, a weapon anyone can use to gain free publicity. It even captured the attention of industry giant Google Inc.